From Gareldine ‘Garry’ Adams Newly added two news bank clips
Last weekend, Newbury, MA began a year-long celebration of its 375th anniversary with tours of the town’s historic houses. Among these was the Highfield Estate. According to the celebration’s official site, Newbury375.org: “Built in 1705, this is one of the few remaining garrison houses. From this house Abraham Adams and three sons* went to the Revolutionary War.”“Located on the site originally called The High Field, near the Newbury Falls.”
From Judge Sewell’s Diary:
Capt. Abraham Adams lived where his descendant, George W. Adams does now. He was an enterprising sea captain, who launched coasters from the river in front of his house. The present homelike and interesting house, which is rich in heirlooms, was built by him, it is said, in 1705. His wife, Anne, was the daughter of William and Anne (Sewall) Longfellow. Mr. Adams has in admirable preservation a highly interesting ancient deed. In it Samuel Sewall and his wife, Hannah, deed to Sergt. Abraham Adams half "the High Field," which still bears its ancient and fitting title, and half "the great Meadow" on the River Parker, and other land for five hundred pounds. The deed states that the property had been conveyed by Henry Sewall, the father of the Judge, to john Hull, the mint master, and implies that Hannah, the Judge’s wife, inherited it from John Hull, of whom she was "Daughter and sole heir." The deed is dated June 11, 1705. The property, while deeded to Sergt. Abraham Adams, was "intended for a settlement" for his son, Captain Abraham, "who married with Anne Longfellow, niece of the said Samuel Sewall." So substantial a present from the uncle and aunt of the bride must have been very encouraging to the newly wedded pair.Recent/current photos of the Highfield Estate have not been found, but would be appreciated. Please contact the author or leave a comment if you would like to submit materials.
Page 91, The Story of Byfield by John Lewis Ewell, D.D., The University Press Cambridge, USA, 1904
Added on 1/14/2015 From Boston Herald June 10, 1945 and 1904
Really interesting thanks for sharing it!