Thomas Luczak..date unknown

Anastasia Ratkowski Luczak..date unknown

Thomas & Anastasia together in front of their home in the 1920s

Anastasia with daughters & neighbors
Jerry Kalinowski, Thomas's grandson, shared stories about Thomas while I visited with him in his home during a visit in September, 2002. He remembers Thomas being known as quite the horseman and that he would talk to his horses. He recalls a time when before he hitched up his horses for cultivation and after putting on blinders and hanging the feedbag below its mouth...Thomas would "cold cock" the horse on the side of the head....Thomas said,"this was to let the horse know who was boss." Thomas was a hairy man, besides growing his mustache, he also had great amount of black hair on his chest and back. Jerry tells of once watching his grandfather shaving without his shirt on and mentioning how hairy his grandfather was. Thomas then reached down to his chest and pulled out a handful of hair, while Jerry shuddered at the thought.
Thomas was also a very prim and proper gentleman. Once he finished in the field he would dress up; coat, vest and tie. No matter if he was in the field or in his Sunday best Jerry remembers him always having a cigar hanging from his mouth and how Thomas kept a pair of cutters in his pocket to be able to "clip" the cigar before lighting it.
Anastasia is remembered as most women were at that time; a homemaker and grandmotherly appearing.

Jerry and his wife Della recently celebrated their 50th Anniversary

Thomas outside of home

Thomas escorting daughter Blanche for her wedding

The House

Another view of the house

The Barn...with old car, anyone know make or year?

The Barn as of 9/30/02...100 years after it was built. Original lightning rods still work on top of it...if only the house were still there!

Family pictures...unable to identify people except most of the family is in 2nd

3 of the Luczak sons: Morris, Wallace & Leon..easy to tell they are brothers!

Daughter Blanche, Son Morris & Uncle Ira, Son Oliver & Daughter Marie

Thomas, Ira Kalinowski & Matt Mauer

Son Leon marries Seraphine Mrozinski Standing L-R: Louis Mrozinski,Leon & Dorothy Skornia
Seated L-R: Victoria Luczak Clubb, Seraphine
During my last two visits to Bay City I have made the trip to St. Anthony's cemetery in Fisherville so I might pay respects to family and also photograph the tombstones for history's sake. I missed Victoria's stone, Blanche is buried in California; Barney is buried in Saginaw. Here are the family stones I did photograph...the main marker is for Thomas & Anastasia.

Thank you for this share!