A record of strong characters who reached honorable positions in both the old country and the new distinguishes this family of Weld. Both religious bodies, Protestant and Romanist, received adherents of the name of Weld during the period of the Reformation. Many literary men and divines bore the same patronymic, and others of the family gained positions of honor under the civil government.
Captain Weld, son of Edmond Weld, was born in England, died in Roxbury, Massachusetts. He was captain of the training band, and an original member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. He acquired the tract still known as the Weld farm in Roxbury, and gained much wealth as a merchant. His estate at his death was inventoried at £10,000 sterling. and was considered as possibly the largest in the colony. He founded the Roxbury Latin School, so that like his brother he evidently was a man of learning.
Harvard University has named one of its buildings Weld Hall, and an addition to its library is called the Weld Collection. In his will, which has been published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, he bequeathed “his best tawny cloke” to his friend, the Rev. John Eliot. He married and left a son, John, of whom further. See Welds of Harvard Yard
The Roxbury Latin School was founded in 1645, in the reign of King Charles I, by John Eliot, a church teacher, and later renowned as Apostle to the Indians.
Tercentenary History of the Roxbury Latin School, 1645-1945 Weld Hall, Harvard (1872)

From Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony Author: George Francis Dow Gutenberg Project
An Abstract of the Inventory of Contents of the Shop of Capt. Joseph Weld of Roxbury, made February 4, 1646-7
48 yds. greene cotton at 22d.85 yds. red cotton at 2/1.
1¾ yds. kersey at 5s.
11 yds. do at 3/2.
52 yds. yellow cotton at 22d.
8 yds. white cotton at 20d.
21 yds. red cloth at 7/9.
39 yds. broad cloth at 8/8.
21 yds. broad cloth at 9/7.
8 yds. do do at 15/4.
42 yds. greene tamie at 2/1.
5 yds. red do at 2/1.
3 yds. flannel at 2/2.
12 yds. scarlet broad cloth at 16/6.
41 yds. course at 3/2½.
24 yds. frize at 4/7.
31 yds. penniston at 2/7.
38 yds. do at 2/11.
44 yds. grey Kersey at 5/6.
66 yds. fustian at 1s.
15 yds. Holland at 5/9.
7 yds. do at 4/1½.
7 yds. Slezie lawne at 4/.
8 yds. blue linen at 1/4.
29 yds. lane at 6/9.
3 pr. bodies at 3/2.
11 belts @ 3/2.
15 do @ 3/.
23 bandeliers at 2/.
14 pr. Stockings at 1/6.
41 pr. do at 1/3.
15 pr. Jecs at 2/9.
10 doz. points at 2/.
61 combs at 3½d.
14 doz. thimbles at 1/9.
18 pr. pads at 6d.
1 spectacle case 1/.
26 gro. thread buttons at 9d.
29 primers at 2d.
8 lb. thread at 12/3.
10 pces. tape at 1/1.
5 gro. buttons at 2/.
5 gro. do at 1/.
6 doz. great buttons at 1/2.
17 silk buttons at 2/.
14 yds. lace at 2d.
64 yds. lace at 3½d.
3 pces. binding at 1/2.
80 yds. ribboning at 2½d.
21 doz. tape at 1/.
43 lb. ginger at 1/.
6 pr. slippers at 2/.
20 1b. whalebone at 10¾d.
17 1b. pepper at 2/1.
2 1b. worm seed at 8/.
5 1b. cinnamon at 8/4.
7 hat bands at 4d.
2 1b. nutmegs at 1/9.
½ lb. blue starch at 1/8.
Cloves, 10d.
3 yds. buckram at 1/2.
Pack needles and tainter hooks, 15/.
40 lb. sugar at 10d.
3 lb. powder at 2/2.
26 lb. raisins at 4d.
A barrell of fruit, £5.11.3.
4 lb. starch at 4d.
1 counter, £1.
4 pr. scales, 8s.
48 lb. Lead weights, 9s.
1 file of brass weights, 5s.
12 lb. yarn, £1.13.0.
A net 24 yards [no value].
2 sconces, a melting ladle, a hitchell, 8/.
—Suffolk County Probate Records, Vol. II, p. 52
Robert Turner of Boston, shoemaker, died in 1651. In his shop were children's shoes at 9d. per pair, No. 7 shoes were valued at 3s., No. 10 at 4s., No. 11 at 4/4, No. 12 at 4/8, No. 13 at 4/10. Boots were 14s. per pair, and wooden heels were 8d. per doz. He also sold hats. Black hats were valued from 5 to 14 shillings, each; colored hats from 5 to 10 shillings; black castors were 14s. each, black coarse felts, 3s. each, children's colored, 3/6, and children's black castor with band, 4s.—Suffolk County Probate Records, Vol. II.See Sources
- Nutfield Genealogy
- Jamica Plain Historical Society
- History of First Church Roxbury
- DAR Lineage Book, Volume 3
- The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
- The New England Historical and Genealogical Register,: Volume 51 1897, Volume 51
- Guide to the town of West Roxbury
- A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England: To which are Added Various Genealogical and Biographical Notes, Collected from Ancient Records, Manuscripts, and Printed Works by John Weld
- History of the Reed Family By J.W. Reed
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