
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Abby/Abbie Cummings Locke Splendid Days Journal Andover MA

The Andover Historical Society has blogged the journal of Abby Locke, daughter of Samuel B Locke and Anne H Davis Locke. Very interesting and informative for the time period.  Andover Historical Society and the Blanchard House Blog  Samuel Blake Locke (Simeon Simeon, David, Jonathan, William, Capt John, Thomas) born Sept 30 1822 married April 28 1846 Anne H Davis of Newmarket, NH. Children born Samuel and Anne Anna Louise and Abbie Cummings m Denney Thompson
Abby's Home on 70 Elm Street Andover MA From Andover Historic Preservation
Shortly after General Washington's inauguration he made a tour of the Eastern States visiting Andover on his return from New Hampshire on his way from Haverhill to Lexington His visit to Andover is thus described by the biographer of Judge Phillips Thursday morning November 5th he drove early to Andover and breakfasted at Deacon Isaac Abbot's tavern in the house now owned by Hon Amos Abbot Here as he stood in front of the house some of our most aged citizens remember to have seen him aged.

While tarrying here he asked the little daughter of Deacon Abbot to mend his riding glove for him and when she had done it took her upon his knee and gave her a kiss which so elated Miss Priscilla that she would not allow her face to be washed again for a week General Washington was the guest of Judge Phillips at the mansion house where he met some of the principal citizens He received the salutations of the people as he sat on horseback on the common near the mansion house From Andover he went to Lexington by way of Billerica This visit to Andover General Washington himself briefly described in his journal
Thursday November 1789 About sunrise I set out crossing the Merrimack river at the town over to the township of Bradford and in nine miles came to Abbot's tavern Andover where we breakfasted and met with much attention from Mr Phillips President of the Senate of Massachusetts who accompanied us through Billarike to Lexington where I dined and viewed the spot on which the first blood was spilt in the dispute with Great Britain on the 19th of April 1775
General Washington remarked on the beautiful scenery and fine cultivation of the country.
After breakfast the President was conducted by Mr Phillips to his mansion on the hill in the southeast parlor of which he was introduced to Madam Phillips and familiarly entertained by herself the Judge and their children for half an hour or so The moment her distinguished visitor left the room the courtly madam tied a piece of ribbon upon the chair he had occupied during the interview and there it remained ever afterwards until the day of his death when she substituted for it a band of crepe The people gathered in large numbers on the green before the Mansion House to gaze upon the face and form of the man who had earned the title Father of his Country To gratify this laudable and affectionate curiosity of the people the President mounting his horse rode upon the green and there received the hearty greetings of the crowd of men women and children after which he departed for Lexington attended by Judge Phillips and a cavalcade of citizens The tavern where Washington took breakfast became thus a place of note and still continues an object interest to the inquisitive. From History Essex County Volume 2, D H Hurd
Samuel B Locke Democrat, of Andover, is in the iron and foundry business, and is head of the firms of Samuel B. Locke & Co., of Boston, and Locke & Co., Somerville. He was born in Deerfield, N. H., in 1822, and received his education in the South Newmarket Academy. Committees : Towns; Waters; Drainage. Residence, Andover, Mass. From An Introduction to Natural Philosophy: Designed as a Text Book for the Use of the Students in Yale College. On October 29, 1874, Abby married T. Dennie Thomson. In 1920, as an old woman, she dictated memoirs to her son, Philip Thomson. Also preserved is a business card of her father, Samuel B. Locke, “Dealers in American and Scotch Pig Iron.” From Abby Cummings Locke Papers
The Donald Family of Andover (1860 c.) Abby's friend Willie is the boy in the center with the light-colored bow tie. (Andover Historical Society photograph) Link to Journal entry on from Blanchard House 

From February 20, 1864 Lowell Daily Citizen and News (Lowell, MA)

Marriage: Abbie Cummings m Denney Thompson

From Boston Herald January 26 1909 Abby's sister Death

From September 1 1926 Abby's mother Death

Abbott Family Genealogy
Footloose in Andover: Teen's Civil War-era diary brought to life at library
Early Records of Cummings Family 
History of Newfields, New Hampshire, 1638-1911 By James Hill Fitts

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