Ashokan Dam, Olive, NY The Ashokan Reservoir. View of Olive Bridge dam showing down-stream face of masonry section. Stone crusher and concrete mixing plant in left background. Contract 3. June 21, 1910 and Ashokan workers' family camps.
On February 9, 1911, Genesio and Cesira's first child was born; a son they named Joseph Pappino, but the official recording the document, Mr. John Hibbard, was both careless and callous, dispassionately misspelling names and with a few strokes of his pen forever obscuring an immigrant family's genealogical history. Whether Genesio and Cesira had chosen to name their first born Giuseppi or Joseph we may never know, but regardless of their intent, Mr. Hibbard decided to spell the babe's name phonetically with an Italian-American twist: Joseppi. Hibbard also did not understand that, in Italy, a person's surname is written first and the given name last, which is the reverse of what is customary in the United States, therefore, he decided the family's surname was Genesio. Further, he changed Cesira's name entirely deciding her given name was Devolta, and her maiden name was Chesera rather than Devoti. Hibbard also decided that while Joseph was this mother's only living child, he was her second offspring, though Genesio and Cesira had been married less than eleven months. While this is entirely possible, it is extremely unlikely and without corroboration of any kind. On a positive note, this document does inform us that Genesio was employed on the Ashokan Dam project as a carpenter, if we choose to accept that particular entry as accurate.
Almost 14 months later, on April 1, 1912, Genesio and Cesira had their second child; a daughter they named Rose Maria. Unfortunately, Mr. Hibbard was still on the job and he preferred Rosia Maria. While Mr. Hibbard did record the date of birth correctly, it appears he copied all other information from the birth record of Genesio and Cesira's first born, Joseph Pappino. On July 26 of the following year, a third child and second son arrived at the Genesi home; Peter J. Though three clerks helped with a diligent and exhaustive search of the Town of Olive birth records for the year 1913, we were unable to find Peter's birth record. Jerry notes he has been reading The Last of the Handmade Dams: The Story of the Ashokan Reservoir, and have just learned that John Hibbard was Dr. John Hibbard, surgeon and head physician at a 23-bed hospital built at the construction site to provide care for injured and ill workers. It's quite possible that a nurse or a clerk filled the birth records in and Hibbard did no more than sign them.
Paul Geneseo (1949-1994)
AnceStory Archives found this record Louis Genesio Framingham, MA

Paul Geneseo (1949-1994)
AnceStory Archives found this record Louis Genesio Framingham, MA

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