Early History of Isaac Hart and Family
Isaac Hart came over on the ship The Rose (Captain Anderson, Master of the ship) which arrived in 1637, at the age of 22. He was a tutor for children of Richard Carver. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson about 1650.
July 30, 1640, Isaac Hart gave bond in £20, with Mr. Robert Saltonstall security in £10, for the good behavior of Hart, until he should depart from the Plantation, or bring a vote from {elders?} that he be free from fear [Massachusetts Colonial Records] A Meadow grant to Isaac Hart for 15 acres in Watertown was recorded. (Ancient Redding in Massachusetts Bay Colony H.L. Parker March 3, 1656, Isaac Hart, of Reading, and wife Elizabeth, sold to Samuel Stratton, of Watertown, land. “with an old house,” and other parcels of land. Oct. 4, 1656, he bought a farm of 270 acres of meadow land of Thomas Hutchinson in Reading, for which he paid 120 pounds. Recorded at Salem, Mass., book 14, page 263. This land was in what is now North Lynnfield. April 29, 1672, Goodman Stratton, aged 80, testified that Isaac Hart’s house was in Watertown Field, near Cambridge.

Watertown Records: Comprising the First and Second Books of Town Proceedings, with the Lands, Grants and Possessions, Also the Proprietors’ Book, and the First Book and Supplement of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Volume 1 Press of F.G. Barker, 1894. In 1640 Isaac was in Lynn, Massachusetts and in 1647 listed in Redding. In 1688 he sold his land to the town and the meeting house. He lived west of the Wakefield Common Isaac’s land purchased is now where the Sagamore Golf Coarse is located.
The Essex Genealogist. (Online database., New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011.) Including the first few pages on the most current updated research on the HART LINE published by New England Historical and Genealogical Society in Boston, Massachusetts

Carolyn Hart Wood Line
- Elizabeth Hart Marlowe and Henry Wood, JR. See Henry Wood and the Girouard Family of Leominster Massachusetts
- Grace M Hart 1897-1969 and William J Marlowe, son of Thomas Marlowe and
- George A Hart 1864-1938 and Bessie M Wilson
- Henry Jackson Hart 1833-1891 and Lois Augusta Shute
- Joseph Hart JR.1799-1882 and Harriet Davis Clark (1809-1873) d, of Phillips Clark and Sophia Fellowes (Joseph JR m. 1st Mary Richardson had one son Joseph L., b. 29 Jan. 1827; d. in Civil War at Lake)
- Joseph Hart 1774-1830 and Elizabeth Tapley
- John Hart 1733-1811 and Lydia Curtis
- John Hart 1703-1777 and Mehitable Endicott
- Samuel Hart 1656-1730 and Sarah Endicott
- Isaac Hart 1614-1699 and Elizabeth Hutchinson 1622-1700 daughter of Thomas Hutchinson and Anne Browne Hawkes (daughter of Edward Browne and Jane Leids-widow of Adam Hawkes*)
- Thomas Hart 1592-1662 and Alice Waters
- Peter Hart and Alice Hope
- * Adam Hawkes m. Anne Browne on November 21, 1634 in Saugus, Essex, Massachusetts

George Albert Hart (1864-1938) and Bessie Wilson (1869-1951) and their three children Grace Hart (1897-1969), Dorothy Hart (1900-1993) and Mary Lois Hart (1908-1978) lived in this small town of Essex, Massachusetts. It was a peaceful place, a little town on the Essex River, not far from the famous old port of Gloucester.
Elizabeth Hart Marlowe was born to Grace Hart and William J. Marlowe Mary 30, 1937. She married Henry Wood July 26, 1958. Henry is the son of Henry Wood and Annie Wood of Leominster, Mass.
Elizabeth and Henry were divorced 1968. Elizabeth married 2nd Norman J. LaLonde October 24, 1969 and moved to Ocklawaha, Florida. Norman died August 21 1981. She then married 3rd Chester Barrett September 4, 1982 and was divorced November of 1995.
Elizabeth (Betty) works as a receptionist at the Villages of Lady Lake at Ocklawaha, Florida. She has two grandsons.
Portraits Joseph Hart 1774-1830 and Elizabeth Tapley by William Matthew Prior in the collection of Hart/Wood family. Joseph Hart was born in Lynnfield, Massachusetts on October 28, 1774. He was the sixth son of John Hart Jr. and Lydia Curtis. On March 25, 1799, Joseph married Elizabeth Tapley at Lynnfield, Massachusetts. Elizabeth Tapley was born on May 19, 1778, in Danvers, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Joseph Tapley and Mary Smith. Mary Smith was daughter of Nathaniel Smith and Mary Flint. Mary was his step-sister via Gilbert Tapley’s marriage to Mary Flint Smith, widow of Nathaniel. After his first wife’s death Joseph m. second Rowena Page.

Joseph Tapley, was son of Gilbert Tapley and Phebe Putnam daughter of John Putnam and .
Gilbert Tapley was born in Salem, Mass., May 6, 1722, and died in Danvers, Mass., June 17, 1806. He was a Lieutenant and marched in defense of the country on the 19th of April, 1775, in the Danvers Company, commanded by Capt. John Putnam. (Mass. Rev. Rolls, Vol. 13, p. 46.) John Tapley, born at Danvers, Mass., April 10, 1756. He was a Private in Capt. Samuel Flint’s Company, of which Timothy Pickering, Jr., was Colonel, and was at the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. (Mass. Rev. Rolls, Vol. 12, p. 75.)John Hewes was born in Lynnfield, Mass., July 13, 1741, and died February 14, 1817. He was 1st Lieutenant in Capt. John Bordwell’s Company, Col. Samuel Johnson’s 4th Essex County Regiment, from April 3, 1776. Commencing October 2, 1777, he served forty days as Lieutenant in Capt. Whittier’s Company, Maj. Benj. Gates’ Regiment, and marched to join the Northern Army. (Mass. Records Rev. War, Vol. 32, p. 269; Vol. 24, p. 95.)
From Register of the California Society of Sons of the American Revolution for Member David Hewes born in Lynnfield, Essex Co., Mass., May 16, 1822–Son of Joel Hewes and Ruthe Tapley. Grandson of Joseph Tapley and Mary Smith. Great-grandson of Gibert Tapley and Phebe Putnam. Grandson of John Hews and Anne Wellman. Great-grandson of Benjamin Hewes and Prudence. Great grandson of Samuel Hewes and Hannah Johnson. Great grandson of Joshua Hewes and Hannah Norden. See Hewes Family in Newbury, MA. John Putnam, son of John Putnam and Hannah Cutler. John Putnam SR, son of Nathaniel Putnam and Elizabeth Hutchinson daughter of Richard Hutchinson and Alice Bosworth. Hannah Cutler daughter of Samuel Cutler and Elizabeth ________.

A Special Memorium written on Elizabeth Tapley

Monumental Cemetery Wallis St. in Peabody, Massachusetts
Nathaniel Putnam was known as “Landlord Putnam,” a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. On December 10, 1688 Putnam was sent as one of the four elders sent to hire the Rev. Samuel Parris as their new pastor. After Parris was established at the Salem Church, Landlord Nathaniel Putnam became one of his strongest supporters, however when …….
Joseph Hart and Elizabeth Tapley resided at Lynnfield until about 1808. There was a quarrel regarding the the division of old homestead farm and Joseph decided to move the family to Salem, Massachusetts. On December 3, 1830, Joseph drowned while cutting ice in a Salem pond. Elizabeth died on July 10, 1853 at 75 years of age. Below Photos of Tapley family and Tapley House at 650 Lowell st c.1866 The people seen here are from left to right James Macgregor, Caroline Norwood Copp, Eliza Macgregor and George Norwood.

The Tapley house at 650 Lowell st. in Lynnfield c.1900 Sold to the Macgregors. “Images in America Series-Lynnfield” and contributed to Genealogy Trails by Carole Dick

The Hart girls facing in the camera and friends Dottie, Margaret, Dot, and Mary Lois (standing) at the Essex, Massachusetts home. 1918 shortly before war ended.
Grace Hart’s husband, William J Marlowe Seated center- in France WWI 1918. William Marlowe, son of Thomas Marlowe (s. of Abraham Marlowe and Katherine Flynn) and Louise Moore was a World War I Veteran who served in France and received a battlefield commission. He enlisted in the Army Oct 17, 1917 at Gardner, Massachusetts and served with the First Infantry Training Regiment, 80th Division. On Feb. 27, 1918 he went overseas and served in the Battle of Marne, Center Sector, Haute Alsace and Commecy Sector. He was advanced three times having been commissioned a Corporal April 3 1918. And a Second Lieutenant Sept 25,1918. he was honorably discharged June 1919. Mr Marlowe was also a member of the commission which organized Massachusetts first State Police Force. Back of Photo with officers listed

Mary Louis Hart at Bradford Academy Haverhill, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Hart Marlowe Wood
William J Marlowe, JR
Painting of William & Grace Hart Marlowe’s home in Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Wedding Photo of George Hart and Bessie M Wilson Hart of Essex MA And Wedding Announcement Below

William J Marlow and his relative ????


Elizabeth Hart 1938 in Essex, Massachusetts
On October 14, 1858, Henry J Hart married Lois Augusta Shute, a 22-year-old from Lynnfield, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Benjamin Shute and Lois Smith. Henry lived in Ipswich, Massachusetts in his last days. He was a tanner by trade, and died of consumption on December 25, 1891. Lois, his widow, was living in Ipswich in 1900. Charles Nelson Hart born in Lynnfield, Massachusetts on August 10, 1835. He was the fourth son of Joseph Hart Jr. and Harriet D. Clark Hart. On November 3, 1859, Charles N Hart married Sarah K Estes of Ipswich, Massachusetts, daughter of James Estes and Experience J. Wilson.
Frank Hart son of Henry Jackson Hart
Charles Nelson Hart

Sara Kimball Estes, daughter of James Estes and Experience Wilson. Children born to Charles Nelson Hart and Sarah K Estes Hart: Ruth Estes Hart, died in infancy July 1862. George Pierpont Estes Hart (1864-) He married Margaret Crowell Hogg at St. Myers, Florida, on Jan. 31, 1897. Margaret, born in Argyle, Nova Scotia to Nathaniel W. Hogg and and Agnes Brown. Margaret’s parents lived in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
(NOTE Surname spelling variations EASTY/ ESTES/ESTY)
- Isaac Eastey 1627-1712 son of Jeffrey Easty and Margaret Plott married Mary Towne 1634-1692 daughter of William Towne and Joanna Blessing.
- John Eastey 1662-1720 and Hannah–
- Jonathon Eastey-1707-1796 and Susanna Monroe 1721-
- Nathanial Estey 1746-1807 and Mehitable Preston 1738-
- William Estes 1776 and Ruth Hobbs
- James Estes and Experience Wilson
- Sara Kimball Estes and Charles Nelson Hart
“Charles Hart, If I remember correctly was one of your great grandfathers brothers. I think it was his picture that hung in your mother’s living room to the right just as you entered the room. He married a Sarah Estes- who was a spiritualist- they did a bit of roaming around as I remember and she was always communing with the spirit of some relative or other. That’s our tie with the Estes family. It will tell about their children in the Hart Genealogy book- but they must all be dead by now and with no clues it would be hard to find them. The family or families we really could find are a generation later. There was a George Pierpont Hart who was a cousin of my father’s-good grief- I guess he was a son of Charles we were talking about. He said my father inherited the Lynnfield farm. George Pierpont sold his share to my father-your grandpa-because he lived in Danbury, Virginia-he ran a printing business there and had 2 sons which were your mother’s cousins, one was named Parker-the other named Murray Hart. Either one or both of them could still be alive or have children.”— Mary Louise Hart Pletsch, January 10, 1974

Joseph Hart Jr., son of Joseph Hart and Elizabeth Tapley born in Lynnfield, Massachusetts on December 3, 1799. He married Mary Richardson, daughter of Charles Richardson of South Reading, Massachusetts, on April 15, 1824. They had two children: Joseph Lafayette Hart, born in 1825, and Mary Augusta Hart, born on December 3, 1827. Both the 22-year-old mother and her young daughter died in 1828. Mary Richardson Hart died on July 29, 1828 and Mary Augusta Hart, the daughter, at the age of one year and seven days, died on December 10, 1828. Joseph and the family lived on the old Hart farm in Lynnfield, Massachusetts. He died on February 20——Harriet died on December 23, 1873. On December 17, 1829, Joseph Hart Jr. married Harriet Davis Clark. Harriet was born in Machias, Maine, and she was the daughter of Phillips Clark and Sophia Fellowes. Phillips was the son of Parker Clark and Judith Lunt (From Lunt : a history of the Lunt family in America Thomas Simpson Lunt)

—Both of Harriet’s parents were born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Clark line was from the Newbury, Massachusetts line. From Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newbury, Mass: Ten Generations, 1642-1885 Press of T.R. Marvin & Son, 1885

Photos of Grace Manning Hart and Dorothy Endicott Hart in Essex, Massachusetts
Grace and Dorothy at Hart Farm

Grace Manning Hart ready for tennis and looking fabulous

George A Hart and William Marlowe JR

Grace Hart in Essex, Massachusetts

Henry Jackson Hart

Josephine and George Hart

Boston Traveler newspaper June 20, 1925 about George A. Hart; UNIQUE DISPLAY BY GENERAL VEHICLE CO. The first Butcher in New England to adopt the motor vehicle George A. Hart of Essex,Mass. Mr. Hart‘s principle business is supplying choice cuts to residents of Essex, Hamilton, and Magnolia. He has been doing business with horses, but now has a custom built butcher cart of the familiar country type. It occurred to Mr.Hart that his customers could be better served and his business more easily done and increased by the use of electric motor vehicles. He is equipping the Standard General Vehicle chassis using his familiar butcher wagon bodies. This equipment is a novelty and at the same time shows enterprise. These modern old style butcher carts will be kept and charged with electricity in one corner of Mr. Hart‘s stable, and the care will be far less than that which the horses have required in the past. Electricity carried over from the Gloucester Electric Light Company plant will cost less than the former bills for hay and oats. One of these peculiar electric butcher wagons is being shown in the General Vehicle Company space at the Motor Truck Show, where Mr. Dearborne Bailey, who attended to the engineering details, will take considerable pleasure in showing this unique, but extremely practical vehicle.
Mary Lois Hart Pletsch Notes on her family:
George Albert Hart, was the only son of Henry Jackson Hart. After his death my father had to leave school to earn money to help support the family. He had a job with a kindly old gentleman by the name of Balles. (Ipswich) I don’t know how many years my father worked for Mr. Balles – but certainly long enough to know the provision business. When my father married he started his own provision business in Essex, Mass. A town just south of Ipswich. His route even took him into the city of Gloucester I believe. My father prospered in his business, partly because he never sold anything that was not of A1 quality – but also because of his sweet and gentlemanly personality. No bad word ever crossed his lips – no angry word either. I am sure that everything he said or did could be repeated anywhere at any time in perfect confidence without fear of embarrassment or chagrin. He worked hard and long with almost no recreation or diversion. He was a sweet loving father and a wonderful husband.
George Albert Hart, was the only son of Henry Jackson Hart. After his death my father had to leave school to earn money to help support the family. He had a job with a kindly old gentleman by the name of Balles. (Ipswich) I don’t know how many years my father worked for Mr. Balles – but certainly long enough to know the provision business. When my father married he started his own provision business in Essex, Mass. A town just south of Ipswich. His route even took him into the city of Gloucester I believe. My father prospered in his business, partly because he never sold anything that was not of A1 quality – but also because of his sweet and gentlemanly personality. No bad word ever crossed his lips – no angry word either. I am sure that everything he said or did could be repeated anywhere at any time in perfect confidence without fear of embarrassment or chagrin. He worked hard and long with almost no recreation or diversion. He was a sweet loving father and a wonderful husband.

Hart House Lynnfield, Massachusetts Historic Property current owner Mark Ingaciola, who is preserving the home and forwarded photos.

A newspaper clip from 1813 Lynnfield Ma after death of John Hart (1733–1811), the farm was to be sold to pay his debts, they found sources to keep the farm in the family,,,possibly one of his sons paying off the debtors.

Brown-Pearl Hall (Gallery LG35) Samuel Hart and Sarah Endicott Chair. This chair was owned originally by Dr. Zerubbabel Endicott of Salem, Massachusetts, a well-known surgeon and son of John Endicott, who served as deputy governor and governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony at various times in the 1640s, 1650s, and 1660s. It is probably one of a set of two great chairs and six side chairs listed in Zerubbabel’s estate inventory. Although the chair has been attributed to a Boston shop for many years, recent research suggests that it was probably made in Salem. Photo from Pinterest Americana Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston American Decorative Arts & Sculpture (Boston, 2006)
Credit Line Seth K. Sweetser Fund Provenance: Dr. Zerubabbel Endicott I (1635?-1683) to his daughter Sarah Endicott (b. 1673?), married Samuel Hart (1656-1730) to their son, Jonathan Hart (1710-1768?), to Abigail Hart (1743-1828), married Amos Smith (1724-1798), to their daughter, Nabby Smith (1765-1849), married Ebenezer Parsons I (1762-1843), to their son, Ebenezer Parsons II, married Mary Hart (1792-1864), to their son, Ebenezer Parsons III, to Starr Parsons (1869-1948), to Eben Parsons (1896-1969). Sold to Helen W. Jacques in the 1940’s. Museum purchase, Sale, Chester Twiss Auctioneer, Estate of Helen W. Jaques, Wenham, Massachusetts, 26-28 July, 1977.

Doll Essex, Massachusetts owned by Grace Hart now in the collection of Carolyn Hart Wood believed to be one in the Lee Lufkin Kuala “The Tea Party”

Civil War Lynnfield List of Fallen Heroes Lynnfield, Massachusetts

Files from University of Virginia Collection, American Ancestors,

Transcribed: You are in theyr Majestÿs Names hereby required to Apprehend & bring before us upon Tuesdaÿ Next, being being the Seavententh day of this Instant Maÿ by [torn] of the clock in the forenoone att the house of Leut Nath’ll: Ingersoll in Salem Village, the bodys of Thomas f [] rer sen’r of Lin Husbandman, and Elizebeth Hart the wife of Isaac Hart of LinHusbandman, whoe Stand charged in behalf of theyr Majestys, with high Suspition of Sundry Acts of Witchcraft done or Comitted upon [the] Bodys of Ann putnam,Mercy Lewis & others in Salem Village, whereby great hurt hath bin done them, And hereof you are nott to faile,
Salem. dat’d. May. 14th 1692
[Pbar ] us *John Hathorne ] Assists
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assists
Mary Towne, was the daughter of William Towne (1598/99-1661) and Johanna Blessing (1594-1682). Sister to Rebecca Towne married Francis Nurse. Sister to Sarah Towne married Peter Cloyes. Children of William Towne and Johanna Blessing:[Pbar ] us *John Hathorne ] Assists
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assists
- Rebecca Towne married Francis Nurse
- John Towne married Mary Browning, d. of Thomas Browning and Mary Hinds
- Susannah Towne
- Sergeant Edmund Towne married
- Jacob Towne married Catherine Symonds, d. of John Symonds and Ruth Foxe
- Mary Towne married Isaac Eastey
- Joseph Towne (1639-1713) married Phoebe Perkins, daughter of Thomas Perkins and
- Phebe Gould.
- Sarah Towne married 1st Edmund Bridges and 2nd Peter Cloyes.
The Eastey Family Bible

- Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War: A compilation from the archives, prepared and published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with chapter 100, resolves of 1891, Massachusetts. Office of the Secretary of State Wright and Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 1900
- History of the town of Lynnfield Massachusetts 1635-1895
- Brown, Lillian Maxwell, Fredericton – The Old Graveyard. N/A
- Burnett, Frederick C., Biographical Directory of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Free Baptist Ministers and Preachers.
Lancelot, 1996, ISBN: 0-88999-589-3, 303 pp - Cook, Ramsay and Jean Hamelin, Dictionary of Canadian Biography
14 volumes covering the years 1000 to 1920, University of Toronto Press, 1998 - Dewitt, Katherine and Norma Alexander, Days of Old: A History of Fredericton Junction. Centennial Print & Litho, 1998
- Hart, James M., Genealogical History of….. Isaac Hart, et al, Pasadena, CA, 1903
- Hill, Isabel Louise, The Old Burying Ground, Fredericton, NB. Fredericton, NB, 1992.
- Canadian Newspapers Index
- Cathy Hartt’s, History of Pearl Lake site
- Hartt to Hartt, internet web site
- History of Westminster, Massachusetts – 1728-1893
- Library of Congress
- Provincial Archives of New Brunswick Project description
- Provincial Archives of New Brunswick government records database
- Religious Intelligencer (database of Atlantic Coast newspapers)
- Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers
- Penticton Herald, Okanagan Valley newspaper
- Various Canadian and U.S. Censuses
- Family Bibles
- Genealogy of the Tapley Family
- The Maine Historical Magazine, Volume 6
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